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Physician Assistant Studies

Master of Medical Science

Program Overview: Physician Assistant Studies

Agnes Scott College现在提供24个月的医师助理研究医学硕士学位, building on our decades of success in pre-medical education. If you are passionate about medicine, committed to serving diverse communities, our Physician Assistant Studies program is ideal for you.

In Agnes Scott College’s Master of Medical Science (MMSc) program, 寻求医师助理(PA)认证和执照的学生将学习在医学的各个领域进行实践,并获得社区医疗保健方面的专业知识.

我们的医师助理计划满足了医疗保健专业人员日益增长的迫切需求. In metro Atlanta, the demand for PAs is projected to grow 34.2% by 2033. 凯撒家庭基金会将格鲁吉亚确定为初级保健专业人员短缺地区, noting that the state has met only 40% of its healthcare needs. 正规博彩十大网站排名旨在通过我们严格的医疗保健专业人员解决这一需求, 24-month Physician Assistant Studies (PA) program.

Agnes Scott’s PA program will be exclusively located in Hopkins Hall, which is being renovated to meet the needs of the PA program. 该建筑将包括创新技术和医学实践的教学设施, including anatomage tables, a clinical examination suite, an instructional laboratory, and state-of-the-art classrooms. 学生还将受益于三楼的学生休息室和学习空间.

“Agnes Scott’s mission and values empower students to think deeply, innovate, and promote inclusivity. These values are the core of the physician assistant profession. 今天,私人助理为所有病人提供富有同情心和文化上合格的医疗服务.” -Dr. LeAnne Martinelli, Program Director

Accreditation Status

Agnes Scott学院已申请医师助理教育评审委员会(ARC-PA)的临时认证。. 正规博彩十大网站排名学院PA项目预计将于2025年10月录取第一批学生, 等待获得认证- 2025年6月ARC-PA会议的临时地位. 认证-临时认证是在计划和资源分配时授予的认证状态, if fully implemented as planned, 对于尚未招收学生的拟议项目,似乎表明该项目有能力满足ARC-PA标准,或者当一个项目持有认证时,临时状态似乎表明在为第一批学生的毕业做准备时,在遵守标准方面取得了持续进展.

What You’ll Learn

我们计划的目的驱动的课程将准备你实践循证医学, serve diverse communities of patients, and assume leadership roles that help promote inclusive healthcare.

Students will complete 102 graduate credits over 24 consecutive months, 第一年是在校学习,然后是一年在所有主要医学领域的监督下的临床实践经验:社区卫生, emergency medicine, general surgery, women’s health, behavioral medicine, and pediatrics, among others.

Upon completion of the program, 学生将准备参加医师助理国家认证考试(PANCE), upon certification and licensure, can begin practicing as a PA in all disciplines of medicine.

  • Application opens May 1, 2024
  • Classes begin October 2025
  • Program Length: 24-months, 102 credits
  • 1年的校园教学学习,随后是1年的监督临床实践经验
  • Format: In-person
  • Cohort Size: 40 students

Physician Assistant Studies Program Highlights

A Mission and Vision to Advancing Health Equity

Our Mission

正规博彩十大网站排名学院的医师助理研究项目的使命是培养富有同情心的人, 批判性思维医师助理(PAs)实践循证医学, serve diverse communities, 并担任领导角色,帮助促进具有文化敏感性的医疗保健.

Our Vision


Our Values

  • A Commitment to Excellence in Innovation, Teaching and Learning
  • A Commitment to Appreciation of Diverse Cultures
  • A Commitment to a Community that Values Justice, Equity, and Integrity
如果你相信每个人都应该得到高质量的护理,正规博彩十大网站排名的私人助理项目是你的完美选择. 我们为您提供在医学各个领域实践的技能和知识, while fostering a deep commitment to community health.

Read our full vision, mission, and values statement.

Applying for a Future as a PA: Our Application Process

We know you’re passionate about helping people. Why wait? Start planning today!

Application opens May 1, 2024.

接受艾格尼丝·斯科特的私人助理课程是非常有竞争力的-我们每批接受40名高素质的学生. 申请人在完成所有要求后将被考虑录取, as verified by CASPA:

  • Minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 3.00 BCP GPA
  • Prerequisite courses completed within last 10 years
  • View all application requirements through the link below
Complete your Agnes Scott graduate application early. Admission decisions will be made on a rolling basis. 正规博彩十大网站排名的私人助理课程邀请合格的申请人与私人助理教师面谈,作为录取过程的一部分, with interviews being held from September 2024 through April 2025.

Applications will be accepted via CASPA beginning May 1, 2024 through the final deadline of December 1, 2024, for fall 2025 admission.

Admission Requirements and Process

Innovative, Inclusive Curriculum

尽早开始你的职业生涯:在阿格尼斯斯科特完成你的医师助理项目课程,只需24个月. Most PA programs take 27 months or more.

At Agnes Scott, 我们设计了我们的医师助理计划,以提供优秀的教育和实践经验,你需要在短短两年内开始你的医疗保健事业.

As a PA student, 你将完成临床轮转,这将为你实践急诊医学做好准备, women’s health, general surgery, pediatrics, behavioral medicine, community health, and more.

After you complete the program, 你将参加国家医师助理资格考试.

Curriculum and Technical Standards

Meet the Faculty

LeAnne Martinelli

Physician Assistant Studies Program Director

Malatrice Montgomery

Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant Studies

Megan Timpone

Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant Studies

Headshot for Dr. Raulniña Uzzle

Raulniña Uzzle

Medical Director of Physician Assistant Studies

Coming Soon!

请继续关注我们新装修的霍普金斯大厅,这里是艾格尼丝·斯科特私人助理项目的所在地. 有意的学生空间、尖端技术和教学设施将与艾格尼丝·斯科特的永恒设计相匹配.

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Physician Assistant Program: Job Outlook

Physician assistants are in high demand across the U.S.

美国劳工统计局预计,亚特兰大医师助理的就业人数将增长34%.2% until 2033.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 预计到2033年,医疗保健行业的增长速度将远远超过所有职业的平均水平. In Atlanta, 医师助理的劳动力需求预计将以高于全国平均水平的速度增长.

我们的PA计划将为不同人群的学生提供成功的途径,以实现他们成为医疗保健从业人员的目标, 同时还要解决日益严重的全国医疗保健短缺和佐治亚州各地的健康差距问题.

  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Private Practice

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